Texas Authors Book Contest

Texas Association of Authors created the Best of Texas Book Awards at the end of 2011. They held their contest through 2019 until they merged with Indie Beacon and created the Authors Marketing Guild. AMG then became an international organization helping authors around the world.

Texas Authors Institute of History, Inc., did not want to lose the continuation of honoring Texas Authors, so in 2020, they took over the awards program. Below are links to each year that TAIH continues to honor the best in Texas books.

We hope that authors will continue to submit their books and be part of a great collection of award-winning books and authors.


How to Enter

Any Texas author who has a book published in this calendar year (December 15, 2024, to December 1, 2025) may enter the book contest.  

Entries are accepted for all genres.

The entry fee is $50 per title.

To begin the entry process, email a cover of the book you are entering, along with the PDF file of the book to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Once we receive the entry, we will send you an invoice that you can pay with a CC/Debit card.

Winners will be announced by April 2026. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Judging Guidelines

The following are the guidelines that the librarian judges will use to score your book entry.

1. Characterization: Does the author create believable, memorable characters with the uniqueness, complexity, and individuality of real people? Do you respond to the characters either positively or negatively? Does the main character respond to and influence events? Does the dialogue contribute to rich, vivid, unique characterization?

2. Plot: Has the author constructed a clear, convincing and compelling storyline with a recognizable arc of conflict, crisis, and resolution? Are obstacles to be overcome sufficiently challenging to the protagonists? Do you feel the tension mounting in the story? Is the resolution innovative, credible, and authentic?

3. Theme: Does the story contain a central or dominating theme? Does the author make this idea concrete through the characters and their actions? How well is the message integrated into the story? Is the story an agenda-driven platform?

4. Setting and Atmosphere: Are historical and geographic details sufficiently and accurately developed to give the story a realistic or appropriate atmosphere and setting? Can you visualize the places being described? Does the story contain anachronisms?

5. Mechanics: Are there errors present in spelling, grammar, paragraphing, and punctuation? Are words used incorrectly? Do typographical errors mar your enjoyment of the story?

6. Writing Quality: Does the quality of the author’s prose and deftness in handling point-of-view enhance the story? Do specific details appeal to your senses and hold your attention? Does the author use precise, active verbs? Does the rhythm of the prose enhance the meaning? Are metaphors and similes skillfully employed?

7. Passion: Does this story engage your emotions? Have you come to care deeply about the characters and what happens to them? Is your mind and spirit stimulated and enlightened by the experience of reading this story?

Below is the suggested concept of the scoring of points from 1 to 10

1 – this should have never been written
5 – it’s ok, but…
10 – this is fantastic